Now I'm off to start a busy day! Hugs <3
How to Make a Baseball Hat Look Cute
Good morning! Today I was able to wake up and snap these pictures :). It's not raining today, but it's a little chilly and pretty cloudy. Fall has arrived! Finally I can wear this jacket. It's really comfy and not super thick so my arms can actually bend haha. Do any of you ever have that problem? It seems to happen to me a lot, but maybe that's because I live in a cold climate where we need crazy thick jackets in the winter. Today is the third day of not washing my hair, so it was a little greasy (as if I need an excuse to wear a baseball hat haha). I love wearing baseball hats! They are super easy to throw on, I don't have to do anything to my hair, I can hide greasy hair and zits if I have them on my forehead, and they look cute too! I think baseball hats are a great way to look cute without trying. And believe me, I am all about that minimal effort on an every day basis haha. You can dress baseball hats up like I did today, or wear them with a cute t-shirt and leggings. Also, sorry for the massive amount of photos. They just all came out so good!
Rainy Day
Good morning everyone! So this morning I was all set to take some super cute outfit pictures for you, but when I looked out my window, it was cloudy and rainy :(. This was probably for the better because for some reason I was completely wide awake from 1 am to 3 am. I had this crazy amount of energy and felt like could have run a marathon and then some! It was super weird. My stomach was also feeling kind of weird last night too. It was probably just me being hungry because once I hit that 1 am mark, I always need some kind of snack haha. I am sure I look really tired this morning, so maybe the rain has saved you all from seeing my tired face ;). But here are two snapshots of some knee high socks. I love these photos on tumblr and weheartit. I think they're just so cozy! Mine probably don't even compare, but I tried haha. I can't wait until the weather gets a little cooler so that I can wear these with my tall boots :). But at the same time, weather please take your time getting to the point where I have to wear a parka to class every day haha. Have a great day! Hugs <3
Fall Layers
Good morning everyone! Today I slept in a little bit and then just laid around in bed for about an hour. It was actually amazing haha. It's been forever since I've been able to do that. So the rest of the day I need to be super motivated and get all of my stuff done. I'm going to work out right after I make this post, shower, and then studying the rest of the day. I have an exam tomorrow morning so it's crunch time :/. Wish me luck guys!
Here is some more fall outfit inspiration. I am loving maroon and olive green for the fall, so this outfit has both of them :). A simple pair of dark jeans, booties, a cute t-shirt, and then the blanket scarf adds a little bit of oomf (not to mention it's super cozy!).
Here is some more fall outfit inspiration. I am loving maroon and olive green for the fall, so this outfit has both of them :). A simple pair of dark jeans, booties, a cute t-shirt, and then the blanket scarf adds a little bit of oomf (not to mention it's super cozy!).
Booties from Windsor, jeans from Abercrombie and Fitch, t-shirt from American Eagle, scarf from Francesca's Collection.
Hugs <3
Hello everyone! I'm just going to give you a quick update of how my day has been so far. I woke up today around 10 am feeling a little tired after going out with some friends last night :). So I did my laundry (finally) haha. I was so good about doing every week last year But I've moved up to about every week and a half to two weeks. I guess that really isn't bad compared to some people, but for me it's weird. Then I had to get ready and look super cute for my sorority's Sprite Date today at 1 pm (Sprite Dates are where the girls who are considering going through rush can come and just casually chat with some of the girls in the sororities). That was a little bit rushed with curling my hair and doing more makeup than I normally ever wear haha. But I think I turned out looking relatively decent, so all was well haha. The theme was Bonnaroo, like the music festival, but we did a play on words and called Bonna Mu (because we're Phi Mu soo punny haha). But it was super cute theme! We had brightly colored and crazy patterned tapestries hanging on the walls, a bunch of pictures hanging from twine like you see on pinterest, and my cake pops were a huge hit!! I was sooo excited! The few of my sisters who got to taste some were so complimentary. It just made me so happy :). Totally blushing haha. Tonight is date night with my boyfriend. It's been awhile since we have been on a really date, so this should be fun. I get to look all nice and pretty :). I might take pictures we'll see. But have a great rest of the day! Hugs <3
Some of my sisters and I at the Sprite Date. From left to right you have: Maddie, me, Aimee, Sammy, Becca, and Carolyn. Yes I know I'm the shortest even in heels :/.
Vanilla Cake Pops
Hello everyone! I totally meant to get this post out yesterday, but these little cuties took waayyy longer than I expected. And this is only one tray of them! So this was my first attempt at making cake pops. And to be honest, I think they turned out pretty well. I did a lot of research on them before I made them, so that probably helped a lot. There is a lot waiting for things to cool and waiting until the cake balls reach room temperature that took longer than I anticipated. But the final result is super cute! These are for an event tomorrow for my sorority. I can't wait! I used a really simple yellow cake recipe, the buttercream would've been way easier if I had a mixer haha, and then dipping chocolate from the grocery store. So nothing super fancy. Hope you guys enjoy!
Hugs <3
First Day of Fall Outfit
Good morning everyone! I decided to take pictures this morning again. I think I will really start doing this more often, at least on my busy days. There is no one walking around, so I don't feel awkward posing in front of a tripod haha. I have just enough time to get ready, take the pictures, edit them, and get a post out to you :). This will be especially great for Wednesdays because I have almost no time during the day to even eat.
Here is the outfit I decided to photograph for the first day of fall. I honestly don't think it gets much more basic white girl than this haha. But this outfit really is super cute! I absolutely love this color for fall, and I cannot wait to be able to wear these boots again!! I seriously think I wore them almost every day last year throughout the fall and winter.
Here is the outfit I decided to photograph for the first day of fall. I honestly don't think it gets much more basic white girl than this haha. But this outfit really is super cute! I absolutely love this color for fall, and I cannot wait to be able to wear these boots again!! I seriously think I wore them almost every day last year throughout the fall and winter.
Dress from American Eagle, Scarf from Aerie, Boots from Francesca's Collection.
Hugs <3
Hey hey! So today is going to be a little bit hap hazard as far as my schedule. I really have no idea what I want/need to do today, and how I will fit everything in. But hey, sometimes playing things by ear is good. So this morning I skipped the usual workout to take these pictures. But I will definitely need to fit that in at some point, otherwise I definitely go crazy. I'm actually considering going to the gym right after I write this post...we'll see haha. But taking pictures in the morning is something that worked well today, so maybe I'll do it again :). It was pretty chilly out this morning, so I took these inside. That's the only that I don't like about this time of year; when you wake up you need pants and sweater, but as the day goes on you can put on shorts and t-shirt because it gets so warm. But the lighting actually wasn't terrible, so I was pretty happy with that :). And the great room I was using has some pretty, old furniture and a grand piano, so I would definitely love to get some cozy pictures there in the winter.
I hope you are all having a great day. Hugs <3
Business Casual
Good morning! So today I thought I'd give you an outfit post that's a little different than normal. I had to dress up this week for some interviews, so of course I took some pictures. I actually really love when I get to dress up in business casual or business attire. It makes me feel like I'm an actual adult and in charge haha. I get to dress up for the second round of interviews again today, so I'll be sure to send you some pictures of that later this week :). I'm actually a little sad right now because I am unable to go to my sisterhood retreat today :/. I was really excited for it. They are having it a camp that is close by and has a huge zip-line I really wanted to try! But it'll be okay because I can get some blog and school work done now. Forcing me to be productive :/ haha.
Have a great Sunday! Hugs <3
Rise and Shine
Good morning! Gosh it feels so good to say that again. It's been a very long time (or so it seems) since I have been able to say that to you guys. I just finished some abs and yoga, so I'd say that's a pretty good start to the day :). It's been awhile since I have been able to do yoga, and my legs have been super tight lately. So it was definitely time to get some stretching in. Today is Friday!! Finally!! This week has been super long and busy and crazy. I'm just ready for the weekend already :). I have a bunch of fun activities planned with my sorority this weekend. We're going to a camp for a day. There will be zip lines and a whole bunch of other outdoorsy fun, so I'll bring you guys along and get some great pictures, hopefully. We can also print them out and post them on the wall in our suite too! Phi Mu Anyway, have a great day everyone! Hugs <3

The Essentials
Good afternoon! So this week has been super long and busy with just everything. But finally I have some time to breathe today. So that means getting some blog work done :). I say blog work, but really this is my fun. I love writing to you guys, getting my thoughts down on paper, and I love taking cool pictures haha. Blogging is just something that allows me to be creative, play with outfits, and look back on memories. I just love it :)
So today I have a meeting with the study abroad office! I am soo exited!! I seriously cannot contain myself! One thing I absolutely love is traveling. I love seeing new places, experiencing different cultures, eating every kind of food (seriously put almost anything in front of me and I will try it haha). If everything works out, I'm hoping a trip to Europe??!! I absolutely love European fashion. Actually, all of the other bloggers I follow are European haha. It's so clean and classic, but unafraid of new trends. That's the one thing I find Ohio is terrible at doing; adopting new fashion trends. I seriously get weird looks when I go out around campus in my boyfriend jeans. And I'm here like, "Guys! These are trendy and way more comfortable than skinny jeans!" I love my comfort haha. But anyway, I hope I get to travel places :) Hugs <3
So today I have a meeting with the study abroad office! I am soo exited!! I seriously cannot contain myself! One thing I absolutely love is traveling. I love seeing new places, experiencing different cultures, eating every kind of food (seriously put almost anything in front of me and I will try it haha). If everything works out, I'm hoping a trip to Europe??!! I absolutely love European fashion. Actually, all of the other bloggers I follow are European haha. It's so clean and classic, but unafraid of new trends. That's the one thing I find Ohio is terrible at doing; adopting new fashion trends. I seriously get weird looks when I go out around campus in my boyfriend jeans. And I'm here like, "Guys! These are trendy and way more comfortable than skinny jeans!" I love my comfort haha. But anyway, I hope I get to travel places :) Hugs <3
Fall Insporation Board
Hello everyone! So yesterday and today have been pretty hectic school work wise, so the blog has suffered a bit from my lack of posting. But I thought it might be a little bit different/fun to make a fall inspiration board from some pictures I found on Pinterest. If you guys are interested you can follow me on there as well. I should just be Jessica Simon...I think. If you have any problems just let me know in the comments, and I'll get back to you :). Okay, back on topic haha. Fall is right around the corner for me! :'( I'm going to miss the hot weather of summer and all the sunshine. Already the mornings are getting chilly here. But I must say, I do love fall fashion. Layering allows me to create so many different outfits, using the same pieces in different combinations. It's amazing for running a blog on a budget haha. So be prepared for lots of layering and cute combinations to come :). Here are some of the trends I am loving right now, and cannot wait to try out!
1) Layered Necklaces. I think these are super pretty! They can make a basic outfit into something eye catching and fashionable. They are a great way to mix and match your style. And idk I just love them haha.
5) Plaid Blanket Scarf. Okay, whoever knows where I can get this scarf needs to let me know ASAP!! I am completely and totally in love with this scarf, and need to have it in my fall wardrobe! Ahh! It's just so simple and cozy looking. I love being cozy and warm in the fall, and this scarf would be perfect :).
1) Layered Necklaces. I think these are super pretty! They can make a basic outfit into something eye catching and fashionable. They are a great way to mix and match your style. And idk I just love them haha.
2) Neutral Colors. I. Love. Neutrals. Haha they go with absolutely everything! They are pieces that can be super fashionable, but wearable because of the understood color. I'm not usually a person who likes to wear a lot of bright colors, but I think the lack of color can be very chic as well. Besides, who doesn't love a great white t-shirt and jeans combo??
3) Long Sleeved Dresses and Stripes. Okay so these are two trends I love, but I just happened to find a picture with both of them in one. I think the long sleeved dresses are prefect for fall, and this one is a little more casual because of the jersey material, so you could definitely wear it as an everyday outfit. And thin stripes are something I'm obsessed with! Everytime I see something I want to buy, I swear it has stripes haha.
4) Brown Booties. Again, these go with everything! (Is anyone else sensing a theme in my wardrobe? Haha) But they are so cute!! And it's a great way for us short girls to add a little bit of a heel to a casual outfit without looking over dressed. Not to mention they are super comfortable because of the chunky heel :).
5) Plaid Blanket Scarf. Okay, whoever knows where I can get this scarf needs to let me know ASAP!! I am completely and totally in love with this scarf, and need to have it in my fall wardrobe! Ahh! It's just so simple and cozy looking. I love being cozy and warm in the fall, and this scarf would be perfect :).
So I hope you enjoyed this little post. I promise I will have pictures of me in my next post haha. Hugs <3
Back to School Outfit and Mode
Hello again! Here is the outfit post I promised you all, so I can give you your normal Sunday reading haha. The rest of today will be spent studying for organic chemistry. I am so determined to do well on this test I have on Tuesday. I think I have done a decent job preparing for it so far. Now I just have to continue the grind :). This year I am so motivated to do well all my classes! I really want to just be on top of everything and do well. So wish me luck guys, and I will be cheering you on too!
Shirt from FreePeople, bralette from FreePeople, jeans from Brandy Melville, shoes from Toms.
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