
Blueberry Waffles

Good morning everyone! So I was originally going to do a post about the face mask I've been using recently, but the pictures just did not come out well. So I will redo those and get it out to you next week :). This morning I decided I wanted to make myself a yummy breakfast of blueberry waffles. I have been dying to make one all week, but I just haven't had the time :(. One of the few downsides of having a really busy schedule. I love being busy, but sometimes it means that there just isn't enough time for some of the little things. So now that I finally got my waffle, I decided to share these pictures with you because honestly it looked way too good not to post haha.

Just look at that beauty! And it tasted just as good as it looked too :)


Army Green Romper

Hello! As promised, here are some outfit photos with my face in them! Amazing I know haha. Today my sister and I went downtown to visit my mom for lunch. But before we met her, we went to take some pictures by this cool building we found (Let me know if you want to see some of the ones I took of Alyssa!). For lunch, we went to this event called Walnut Wednesday. This is where they have a bunch of food trucks come and line up on Walnut Street by my mom's office downtown. I'm sorry I didn't get any pictures of the food. I got a crêpe that was super messy! And super yummy :) But I wasn't able to hold my phone and keep all the filling from spilling all over me haha. And now here is today's outfit. This romper is from Urban Outfitters. I got it about a week or two ago, and I have been obsessed with it! I'm loving the high neckline, the color, and wait for it...the open back!! It has definitely been a favorite on these past few super hot days. The fabric is light weight and breathable. It also doesn't really show sweat stains (but I really don't sweat that much tbh). Anyway, this one is a definite keeper :)

Hope you're having a lovely day! Hugs <3


Tan Lines and Pool Days

Hello! Here are some pictures from yesterday. Sorry I did not get my face in them, but I have been trying really hard to not wash my hair very much lately. So it's a greasy mess (yucky!). But I promise tomorrow I will have pictures with my face :).

Mermaid tailing it pool side haha. (Seriously though, can I be a mermaid please?)

First off, isn't the water the prettiest shade of blue?! This whole week has been absolutely gorgeous outside! It's been super hot and sunny (my favorite combination :D). So I decided to show you how my tan lines are fairing haha. I love it when I can see such a difference in my skin color haha. It just looks so weird! 

Today I'm going shopping with a friend to get an outfit for the Tim McGraw concert this Friday! I'm so excited! I haven't been to a country concert all year, and country concerts are such a huge thing in northeastern Ohio. I guess we're a little bit more in the middle of nowhere than we like to think haha. But they're such a good time! Good friends, good music, dancing on the bed of a pick-up truck (haha okay now even I'll admit that sounds like a hick haha). But anyway, I've got some great posts coming up later this week, and some super exciting posts this weekend! So stay tuned for something I've been dying to share with you for forever!! Also, check out my Instagram (@jessica_simon10)  Sunday morning for a sneak peak at what I'm going to reveal before I post on the blog later that day. As always, Hugs <3


Eggs for Breakfast

Good morning! I thought I would begin the week with a little post about breakfast. Breakfast is my favorite way to begin the day (besides my morning run). I always have to have something to eat around 10:00 am in the morning otherwise I just don't function well :/. One of my favorite things to have for breakfast is eggs. They fill me up for such a long time, and I think they taste amazing! (especially with avocado) Seriously a match made in heaven *definite hearts in eyes*. So when I was watching Kallie Kaiser's get ready with me video and saw that she had a recipe involving eggs and avocado, I had to try it! It is a great alternative to eating toast with eggs, which is what I normally do. So instead of the toast, you lay down a bed of spinach on the plate. Then cut up most of one half of an avocado (enough to cover the bed of spinach). I like my eggs over-easy, so they cook really fast. It's super hard to not break the yolk when flipping the egg over though, but today I managed to not break the yolk! :). I was super proud of myself guys haha. So when the egg is done you just place it on top of the avocado and spinach bed. And then you enjoy! Hugs <3


Blue Nails

Good morning! I am of course rushing to get this post out because I woke up today and realized I didn't have anything for a Sunday post! So I got myself out of bed (a crime I know haha) and took some pictures of my nails. I have been obsessing over the pastel blue nail trend! And usually I'm very anti-blue nail polish, so this is weird for me. I think they are so perfect for summer. The cool tones just remind me of a warm, sunny day at a pool or beach. So basically the perfect day in my opinion haha. Let me know what you think about the blue nail polish trend! Cool or naw?? Haha

Have a great Sunday! Hugs <3


50's Inspired Outift

Hey there! So today was amazing because I got out of chemistry lab 2 hours early! This is almost unheard of as I'm usually there until 15 minutes after the class is supposed to end :/. Welcome to chemistry people haha. Today is super gorgeous outside! It actually makes me want to go in to work. Crazy, I know. But for as busy as this summer has been with work and school, I've been really happy with how things have turned out (sorry about that jump in topic, but school, work, and summer got me thinking about this). I have good friends that I have had so many laughs with. I have worked my butt off in chemistry, at my job, and on this blog. I really cannot wait to continue my posts once I get to college. I think I have grown a lot in the past few months. I'm no longer self conscious of taking pictures of myself in front of people haha. I mean I know it's weird, but it's something I really enjoy. I can document what I looked like that day, along with what I did...and then maybe someone will like to read about it when I post it haha. I really haven't got a clue why any of you read my blog because I swear I'm not that cool guys haha. But I'm glad you enjoy what I put up here, because I enjoy blogging. So a big thank you to you all :).

And now for the outfit (because that's probably why you are all here haha). The top is a few years old from Nordstrom. I used to pair it with the bright blue pants, and it was super cute on a younger girl. I'm not so sure I could pull that off now haha. The shorts are Vintage Levi's from Etsy. Super cute and super easy. Although, they are sort of big on me. I really should see if I can get them taken in... The headband is from FreePeople (it's also a few years old). And finally the shoes are my mom's from Keds. These shoes are seriously so old. I swear my mom has probably had these since the 90s haha (or early 2000s at the least).

Also, I am so sorry these pictures have terrible focus. I really hate putting up bad pictures, but I couldn't not show you this outfit. I hope you can get the gist of it anyway. Hugs <3


Emotions in Nude

Hello! Today I actually wasn't going to post anything because I really should be studying, but I got distracted and did my makeup. So of course I couldn't let an opportunity go to waste. I didn't have any outfit to photograph, so I decided to do a bit of a different kind of shoot. Here I focused on the emotions in the face, with a nude background, nude makeup, and no bright clothing. I really enjoyed how this turned out. Let me know what you think about it.

P. S. I am wearing a bandeau in these pictures haha. Hugs <3