
First Day of Class

Hey everyone! Today was my fist day of summer class. I need to take general chemistry 2 and the lab in order to stay on track with my major. So that's what I'm doing. Not my favorite way to spend my summer, but I still get a ton of time to spend outside in the amazing sun! Here's my outfit from today. My favorite comfy cardigan. This is seriously my favorite item in my closet. I'd be totally lost without it! It's super comfy and the right amount of cozy :). And then these super cute new shorts from Urban Outfitters and this basic black tank top. But I was totally freezing in class today! My shorts were definitely not appropriate for the high level of air conditioning in the building haha. Thankfully it was super warm and sunny outside, and I was able to take pictures :)

Me having a little fun with my camera and poses haha. So gangster haha.

Now my sister and I are just sitting and watching a marathon of Friends on Netflix. I never knew why so many people like this show, and now I do! I have never laughed so much at a TV show! Except Big Bang Theory. I'm a sucker for nerdy humor haha. Hugs <3


Vineyard Vines Bag

Hello!! So it has been pretty cold the past few days, and I just haven't wanted to take pictures outside because I really hate the cold. I seriously cannot wait until I can move south! But that's awhile away, so for now I'll just hide with my blanket. I know school is over for most of us, but this bag has been my favorite thing ever since I got it (shout out to my big! It's a sorority thing). It has been so useful for carrying around my laptop and notebooks for school during the past semester. Also, I'm going to start taking a summer class, so it will surely be used for that. I have also used it as a pool bag. There is plenty of space for a towel, sunscreen, a book, and some cute sunglasses. Not only is this bag super useful, it's super durable. It's made out of thick canvas, so it won't break easily. Which is a huge plus! Also, because it's canvas you can wash it! I know after a ton of use my bags definitely get dirty. So being able to wash this is amazing! And I don't have to worry about destroying it in the process :). Because trust me, I definitely want to keep this around as long as possible!

The bag is from Vineyard Vines if you wish to purchase one like it. And tomorrow I will be doing an exciting photo shoot! So hopefully I will be able to give you some behind the scenes pictures! Hugs <3


Vintage Levi's

Good morning! Today I was super happy because the sun was shining when I woke up :). It has of course since then hidden back behind the storm clouds :(. The past few days have been kind of gross weather wise. It just seems we can't get enough rain (Although it does make the grass look pretty). But for reals, I want the sun back. The sun is my absolute favorite part of summer! It honestly just makes any day better for me haha. So to you who live in sunny climates all year round, look out! I'll be there in a few years haha.

I recently (sort of) purchased a pair of vintage Levi's shorts online, and I am basically obsessed. I have been wanting a pair since last summer. Although due to my lack of butt, they are a little baggy in that area :/. I can't decide if I should see about getting them altered or just leave it and rock the baggy look. What do you guys think?


A Little Bit of Indie

Hello dear readers! Today was super exciting! I went to a restaurant called Brio to meet with a photographer to discuss an upcoming photo shoot! I am not sure how much I am allowed to tell so I will leave it at that. You all can look forward to seeing some exciting news in the next few months :D. Lunch (well breakfast for me because I got eggs and toast and potatoes. Mmm it was so good!) was so much fun! Not only is my photographer super nice and punny (combination of pun and funny haha), our waitress was soo funny. Oh my gosh guys, I actually wanted to be her friend haha.  After a fun lunch with many laughs, I went shopping with my mom and sister. I picked up a few really cute summer clothes. I cannot wait to show you guys! I did take some photos in two of the accessories I got. This felt hat from Urban Outfitters is something I am completely obsessed with. I don't even care that most people where I am from aren't fashionable enough to wear something like that. The world is my runway haha. And these super cute booties from Windsor. I've been looking for the perfect pair of heeled booties to wear with shorts in the summer, and I finally found them! But now I am super exhausted. For some reason shopping always makes me really tired. Does that happen to any of you because I feel super lame saying that shopping tires me out so much haha.


Feeling Green Today

Hello lovely readers! I am back home, finally, after a year away at school. Althogh, I already miss my friends from school :( and cannot wait to see them again! But I am so ready for summer! Some R&R is definitely needed here for sure. Today I woke up, scrolled through Instagram, and threw on some comfy clothes. Then I went downstairs to have some breakfast. And I decided to make myself a green smoothie. Honestly, the only green thing in it is spinach, and you can't even taste it haha. So I threw in a whole banana, a handful of spinach, an entire apple, and some pieces of pineapple. I decided to put it in this cute mason jar because sometimes I like to pretend my life is like tumblr haha.

You can't really tell it's green because the jar is pink, but I promise it's green haha. 

After breakfast, I decided to kick my summer off with a hair mask I like to make to hydrate my hair. My hair is really long now and I want to be sure to keep it long and healthy :). This is actually a really easy recipe. I used 1/2 an avocado (I would use 1/4 is your hair is short), about 1/3 cup mayo (I would use 1/4 cup if you have short hair), 1 egg, and 1 tablespoon each of olive oil and honey. I first smashed the avocado with a fork in a bowl. Then, I added the egg and mayo and mixed it until it was creamy. And finally, added the honey and olive oil, and then stirred those in as well. Now comes the tricky part: applying it without making a total mess haha. I would definitely do this over a sink or in the shower, and make sure to wear a shirt you don't care about. I start from my roots and work the mixture down until I reach my tips taking small handfuls of the mask as needed. Don't be shy with applying it! After that, I take a hair tie and place my hair in a bun on top of my head. Then, I just let it sit for at least an hour and wash it out. It really makes your hair shiny and soft :)



Hello! Today has been just gorgeous out! I wish I was able to enjoy the beautiful weather, but I'm inside studying for finals and finishing up some end of the year projects. I am so jealous of all you who are finished with school for the summer. I can't wait until the end of next week when I will be able to enjoy the gorgeous weather and the company of good friends all day. Seriously people, summer is my favorite season ever!!! Hearts in eyes for sure haha. One of the things I have been loving to do with my hair, especially because it's so hot out now, is a braid. I just think they look so pretty especially with long hair (since mine has finally grown out and they're super practical girls haha). It keeps my hair out of my face and neck which totally helps with the sweating (so gross I know, but it happens :P).

So on a side note, I just went to Kroger with two of my good friends Hanna and Ilaria to pick up some things and get sushi. I had never had Kroger sushi before and didn't really trust it because Kroger is a grocery store. But I was so hungry I ate it all on the way home, and it actually tasted really good. I was impressed. It was a much needed study break and girl time. I miss hanging out with my friends since I've been studying and doing work :(. Tomorrow night we're doing pizza night in my room which should be super fun!

Hugs loves! <3


Body Language

Hello readers! Here is my English project I introduced to you a few days ago. I decided to write a post on my blog about body image and the language we use to talk about it. I think this is an issue facing many of us today, girls and guys alike. I know I struggle with it sometimes myself too. Also, I apologize for the length. I had more to say than I thought I would haha.

I know there has been a lot of talk about this topic on all forms of media lately; magazines, blogs, Instagram, etc. I have noticed that most of these debates have been going on on platforms that involve pictures. I personally love looking at pictures and taking pictures (I mean I willingly take pictures of myself probably looking foolish in front of all my neighbors haha). And I am totally addicted to Instagram (no shame guys no shame haha). It is by far my favorite form of social media. Pictures can be amazing sources of inspiration, whether it's for outfits, decor, even workout motivation. But I find that so many of these beautiful pictures people have the courage to post of themselves or something they did, get torn apart by so many people. Often times these people writing the comments don't even know the person, except through social media. I don't pretend to understand how people could do this to others or why they do this. What I notice is that there just never seems to be a perfect.

This is the language that surrounds us everyday about how we look. I know language isn't the kind of thing that just goes away. It's something that takes years to change. But maybe we can change the way we personally think about ourselves and others to. And maybe that will be the kickstart to a whole new way of thinking about our bodies. 

One of my favorite, actually she's my favorite blogger haha, Kristine Ullebø, had a girl comment on her blog about the girl's own body image. Now keep in mind Kristine is an extremely skinny girl, but it's not just that that makes me continually revisit her site. Not only are her pictures beautiful, her content is something I relate to. She is a fun loving girl with a great group of girlfriends, who also cares about school. And somehow she still manages to run an extremely successful blog. Kristine posted awhile ago, "The other day I read this comment from one reader of my blog which surprised me a little: "I'm too fat to wear shorts."" Kristine went on to write an entire post about body image, saying some of the same things I am now. Over the few years that I have followed Kristine's blog, she has written several posts about body image and body bullying, as she is the subject of a lot of body shaming on her social media. I have scrolled through some of the comments on her Instagram account and they can get quite nasty. For example, many users have commented, "Where are your boobs?" This comment also brings me to another topic surrounding body image for girls. The language many use when talking about body image, especially for girls, objectifies us. We not only need to be thin, but have boobs as well in order to sexually alluring. A combination which doesn't come naturally for most of us (and for you lucky ducks who got that genetic combination, work it girl!). I guess this just goes back to my image above, there never seems to be a perfect.

Here is Kristine with her older brother Hakon. I chose this image because it shows how thin she is, but also because it shows her having fun goofing around with her older brother. 

I guess I just want to ask, why can we not stop applying these labels to ourselves, and by extension, to others as well? I am still struggling with accepting myself, and maybe it's a lifelong struggle. But maybe if we can accept one thing about ourselves, we can accept one thing about others as well. And maybe that one thing we can accept will be able to overshadow those things we can't accept. Maybe I'm just a silly girl with a blog, but I hope that this will inspire someone.