
Christmas Tree and Cookies (nom nom nom)

Hey guys so I'm hard core multitasking right now haha. I'm blogging and watching a vlog by Alex Centime. I love her YouTube videos and vlogs. So sorry if this post is kind of scatter brained because I'm not super focused. So yesterday after I updated you guys I ended up watching Divergent for the first time and not getting any work done what so ever. But oh my gosh it was sooo worth it! Have any of you seen it? And did you love it as much as I did? My adrenaline was rushing like crazy and it was just a movie haha. Plus I had read the books so it wasn't like I didn't know what was going to happen anyway. And then my mom and I went grocery shopping and we got some salmon for dinner which was amazing by the way. I love salmon. It's just so yummy. And I got some more hangers so I can finally get the piles of clothes off my floor and into my closet. Not like I've touched them yet though...I should really do that...but I just haven't been in the cleaning mood the past few days.

So here are some photos from today. I decided to bake some chocolate chip cookies for my friends and daily because they all love them. And call me a weirdo if you will haha, but I don't like chocolate. So everyone else can eat them all.

And here's my Christmas tree in case you guys were curious about what it looked like. It's very cozy and not super flashy. Just the way I like it. It makes it feel like home :) And my mom has all of Alyssa's and my ornaments from when we were little.

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