Hiiii! Wow. I have been soo busy with family the past few days. I am so sorry I haven't updated you in awhile :(. But we always do a New Year's Day dinner at my grandparents, and it was extra fun this year because we had much more people than normal :D. I love big family gatherings. They are just so much fun! But I didn't have any time to take pictures because my grandma needed help cooking in the kitchen. I love cooking so it was such a fun time! And a close family member of mine left for St. Louis today for a new job :'(. So yesterday we spent all day with them and went to dinner at Little Italy in Cleveland for some of the world's best pasta. Mmmmmm. I'd eat that pasta every day if I wouldn't get fat haha. It was amazing!
Today I did a lot of working out (gotta burn off that pasta haha). Kayla Itsines has a week of free workouts on her website. So I downloaded those and did abs (that was hard) and half of the arms (and that was hard too haha) workout today. Have any of you tried her workouts? If you have give me a review in the comments! I'd love to hear more about them. Then my sister and I went to the gym, so I ran some intervals. And guys I finally caved. My want to be tan got greater than my fear of the tanning booth. I got a month of tanning and tried it for the first time today. And I must say it was weird...Like the whole booth thing and glowing lights... But hey it's only for one month and then I'm done so I think my skin will be okay.
We took down all the Christmas decorations today :'( so it's an empty house again. But finally after all that activity I get to relax in my favorite snuggle pants (I hate baggy sweatpants but these ones are skinnier and soft and I love them haha), and took some pictures (because I finally got my camera charger!!!!!!) for the blog, and tell you about what I've been up to :). Have a wonderful day readers!
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