Hello! It's been awhile since I've been able to give you a quality post! But I love my Thursdays because I have so much time to do what I want to do. It's my 'me day'. I went to class this morning, and then when I came back I decided I wanted to rearrange my room. My roommate took medical leave this semester, just to deal with some stressors and get better. So I now have a single. It's been a little lonely the past few days, getting used to not sharing a room. But I find that once you're in college, or reach the age 18, you're looking for change in your life. So adjusting just becomes natural as you try new things and meet new people. It's makes life fun! Well, I was intending this post to be about halloween, but I sort of went off on a tangent... Anyway, this weekend is Halloween and I'm super excited because Friday I'm being one of the Seven Dwarfs (I'll be Doc) from Snow White with some of my sorority sisters :). And then Saturday I'm going to be hippie. I'm pulling out my crazy blue patterned bell bottomed pants, a crop top, and a flower crown :). This'll be super fun! What are you being for Halloween?

Also, everyone meet Jack. He's basically my new best friend haha.
I'd say we're basically twins. Wouldn't you??
Haha Hugs <3
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