
What I Got

Hellooo! Aww my neighbors across the street just got a new golden retriever puppy, and it is the cutest thing ever! They are outside playing with it now, and I'm just creeping on the cuteness from my room. Sorry for that little tangent, but I just couldn't resist telling you about it haha. Now back on topic. So here are some pictures of what I got yesterday when I was Christmas shopping because of course I couldn't resist getting a few things for myself...

Here are the black jeans I got. I have been looking everywhere for a pair of black high waisted jeans and I finally found them! It was so hard to find a pair of jeans and not jeggings, so I jumped on that right away. I'm sure they will be in many upcoming outfit pictures ;).

 The bottle is St. Tropez tanning spray. I decided to test this out because I've been feeling pretty pale lately, and I definitely look so much better with a tan. But I'm so scared of going to a tanning booth because I really don't want to harm my skin. I want to keep it young and healthy. So I'm trying this self tanner instead. I placed it on my stomach this morning to see how it would turn out. So if it does turn out orange no one will have to see it but me :)

And finally the bag is from Lush. It's this store where they hand make bath and beauty products. I thought to treat myself with some bath bombs. They make your bath smell amazing, and they look soo pretty too! They also have ingredients that are great for your skin! (P. S. Sorry if my hands look dry haha)


Winter Things

Hey there! Today I woke up and put on a face mask in order to cleanse my skin. I always feel so refreshed after one, like all the gunk has been cleaned out of my skin. After that I got dressed to go shopping with my sister. We needed to do some last minute Christmas shopping for our parents because neither of us have been off on the same day until today of course. So to the mall it was! Although we beat most of the shoppers really because we went around 12. So that was great. The less crowded the better. Here's the outfit I threw together today. I love this sweater. Its so warm and comfortable yet so modern at the same time. I love it (if I didn't say so before haha). It's from Francesca's in case you wanted to know. And then my riding boots are another one of my favorites. I think they're so stylish!

I got to play with a new lens today and I LOVE the way it takes images with the background. Too bad I have to give it back to my mom in a few days :(. And it was sunny and warm (well...above freezing that is haha) so I could take pictures outside! All round great photo day :D

A friend of mine and I are going ice skating tonight! I hope it will be all wintery and cute, but I'll probably end up falling on my butt most of the time haha. Wish me luck! Maybe I'll be able to snag a few pictures on my phone...I hope you have a great evening readers!


Happy Sunday!

Heeyyyy! Today has been pretty productive. I slept for twelve hours! And I woke up so refreshed. It was amazing. So great start to the day :). Then I got some outfits together for pictures and photographed a few. I'm taking a break from photographing right now so that I can edit some of the pictures I took. Some of the ones I took are below for some cozy inspiration for your Sunday. But today has really been about working so not much interesting has happened. Although I'm realizing my winter wardrobe needs some serious updating haha. My summer stuff is much more versatile. I wish I could just wear shorts all year round. Now that'd be amazing haha. But no I live in cold Ohio and even though it's below freezing, there's no snow to make it pretty :(. I really hope it will snow before Christmas. I love a white Christmas. It just makes everything so much more festive and cozy :). Anyway, I hope you have a great holiday!


Winter Inspiration

Hey there! A few days ago I was lacking some inspiration. So today I spent a few hours on Instagram,  WeHeartIt, and Tumblr looking for some winter inspiration. (Also I was really tired after the party last night, which I forgot to take pictures at I'm so sorry! And I was really not able to do much today besides lounge around in comfy pants on my couch with a cozy blanket) Here are some of my favorite images I fond today. I hope you will get as inspired as I was!



Heyyyy! Today I woke up and went to workout in my basement. I didn't really want to do anything too sweaty. So I did abs and some other exercises like squats and stuff. I went and got a shower in my newly clean bathroom :D. Yeah that's what I ended up doing yesterday. I went on a cleaning rampage and cleaned my bathroom and my room. And now everything is so nice and organized and good smelling. Do any of you love the smell of a freshly clean room? Because I certainly do. Oh and going off on a little tangent here, I finished Looking for Alaska yesterday and it is such a good book! Definitely recommend it to all of you! Anyway, back to my current day. I went and got ready so I could go shopping with my grandma. And I was soo excited to go shopping and I found almost nothing :/. I just had no idea what I wanted to get. Guys I'm so out of inspiration the past few days. I just don't know what to do.

But I'm going to a party tonight! So this'll be fun. All my old friends who I haven't seen in awhile will be there and, I'm just so excited to see them all. It will be so much fun! I'll try and take some pictures for you guys, but no promises. Sometimes I just forget :(.

Here's a picture from my cell phone of my outfit today. Sorry it's a mirror selfie and a dumb pose haha. But you get the gist. Totally in love with this sweater it is so cozy and soft. And the jeans are ripped on the knees even though you can't see. I love ripped jeans but I always stop myself from buying them because it's so cold wearing ripped jeans in the winter :'(

Hope you have a great day! <3


What to do...

Hey guys!  So last night my sister and I got sushi for dinner, and it is probably my favorite thing to eat. Oh my gosh I ate sooo much of it! Talk about a food baby haha. But it was totally worth it. Nom nom nom. Then I went to see my friend I haven't seen in awhile. So that was cozy :). Today I have absolutely nothing going on and I have no idea what to do with myself. I really want to get up and do something but I just have no idea what. Maybe I'll just work out for a really long time in order to have something to do. That's when you know you're getting desperate haha. Maybe I'll see if my dad will let me take his car to go to the mall. I still need to get Christmas presents for him and my mom! Yikes! Totally left that until the last minute. But seriously your parents have everything. What are you supposed to get them? If any of you have any ideas let me know in a comment because I need help, clearly haha.

Well here's a picture of me in my glasses. Bringing the nerdiness to the max haha. But out of all the pictures I took yesterday none of them turned out good! The lighting was too dark in nearly all of them :/ and the others were blurry or my face looked dumb :(. It was just not a good picture day. Anyway, hope you enjoy this one.


Christmas Tree and Cookies (nom nom nom)

Hey guys so I'm hard core multitasking right now haha. I'm blogging and watching a vlog by Alex Centime. I love her YouTube videos and vlogs. So sorry if this post is kind of scatter brained because I'm not super focused. So yesterday after I updated you guys I ended up watching Divergent for the first time and not getting any work done what so ever. But oh my gosh it was sooo worth it! Have any of you seen it? And did you love it as much as I did? My adrenaline was rushing like crazy and it was just a movie haha. Plus I had read the books so it wasn't like I didn't know what was going to happen anyway. And then my mom and I went grocery shopping and we got some salmon for dinner which was amazing by the way. I love salmon. It's just so yummy. And I got some more hangers so I can finally get the piles of clothes off my floor and into my closet. Not like I've touched them yet though...I should really do that...but I just haven't been in the cleaning mood the past few days.

So here are some photos from today. I decided to bake some chocolate chip cookies for my friends and daily because they all love them. And call me a weirdo if you will haha, but I don't like chocolate. So everyone else can eat them all.

And here's my Christmas tree in case you guys were curious about what it looked like. It's very cozy and not super flashy. Just the way I like it. It makes it feel like home :) And my mom has all of Alyssa's and my ornaments from when we were little.