
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Good morning readers! This morning I'm taking the time to write a decent post about last night because my blogging has just been terrible this week! Ugh I feel so bad! But here you can see my costume from last night. I was Doc from the Seven Dwarfs with some of my friends :). Although to be honest the only reason I wanted to be Doc was so I could wear my glasses out haha. Being the ultimate lazy girl. I think the costumes turned out super cute! Especially with Snow White! In the picture you'll see that there are actually only six dwarfs because we couldn't find a seventh. Our excuse was that Sleepy couldn't hang and fell asleep haha. But last night was so much fun with my friends! We had soo many laughs at all the funny things that happened during the night haha. One to remember for sure :)

Yes that is a medical terminology book in my hands haha.

Hugs <3

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