
Hiking in the Woods

Hello and happy Saturday everyone! Today I got up early with the hopes of being able to finish enough of my homework to go hang out with some of my sisters today, but my organic chemistry has managed to ruin my fun plans once again. Sometimes I wonder if these hard classes are even worth it because my social life is almost nonexistent anymore :/. But moving on to a happier topic. Thursday was absolutely gorgeous out so Ryan and I decided to go hiking through some of the trails close to campus. It was super fun and peaceful and beautiful. The contrast of colors between the trees that had shed their leaves and green underbrush was really cool. We found this awesome rope bridge that I had him take some pictures of me on :). So a nice shout out to him haha for putting up with my blogging. On the way back we found this house that was built in 1802 I think, and one of the men from the historical society told us about it's history. It was really cool! Especially because it was two stories, which is almost unheard of in Ohio during that point in time. We were pretty much the frontier at that point haha. And here comes my favorite part... We saw these two adorable horses in one of the pastures! I love horses! I think they are so beautiful, and they just amaze me. So I fed them an apple I had brought in case I got hungry :). After I took a bite or two first haha. The one even stamped his/her foot at me when I went in for a bite haha. Such a funny horse :). They really did need a good bath or brushing though. They looked like they had been playing in the mud!


A Different Kind of Pizza

Hello everyone! I know it's a little late for an update, but I was out today exploring nature on a hike for a few hours with my boyfriend :). It has been gorgeous weather lately, and we just had to take advantage of it! So there will definitely be pictures from that adventure to come. Today I thought I would share with you a pizza I made last week. It was a pizza in the traditional sense where there is the dough, red sauce, and then cheese and toppings. I originally found this recipe on one of my favorite blogger's sites, Kristine Ullebø. She is a Norwegian blogger with a great blog and you should definitely check her out! It's called Ullebø Pizza  (and that link will take you directly to her recipe). Her blog is in Norwegian so I just copy and paste into Google Translate :). She uses something called curd? I don't know if we have that in America, but I placed ricotta cheese on the dough to start out with, then the pesto. I then placed the onions, arugula, corn, chicken and paprika on top of that. Finally, I covered the top in shredded mozzarella cheese. It was absolutely amazing! I took this picture after my sorority sisters and I got to it haha. And the whole pan was full of pizza before! This is a must try recipe! I'm drooling just thinking about it now haha.

Hugs <3


Not All Who Wander Are Lost

Hello readers! I am so excited for this school day to be over. Sometimes I think that even though I'm learning a whole lot of very fascinating things in lectures and labs, I'm missing some of the big picture. In science, so much time is spent on the very small, very minute differences and similarities between reactions, organisms, and the forces that cause them. Don't get me wrong, this is all very important and interesting, and it's also the reason we can accomplish as much as we do with all of our technology and medicine. But sometimes I think the big picture of broader concepts and how we are interconnected to each other gets lost in all the small details. I'm not even sure if I'm making sense right now haha. But do you ever experience that feeling when you are completely surrounded by nature that you are in awe of how large everything is and how small you are, but yet you are very interconnected with each other? Or when you are in shavasana after a yoga session and you feel to be completely made up of energy flowing through you, as if your body has seized to physically exist and instead be replaced by that flowing energy? Or that humbling experience when you see the sun rise or set in the most perfect manner and realize it will continue to do so even when you are gone? These are the things I think many people are missing when they wake up, go to class or work, and just get suck in the monotony the routine. I want to be a well rounded person, with a well rounded life. And I hope one day I can say that about myself :). This post got a little more deep than I intended haha. Well I hope you enjoy these thoughts and question you're own life :).

Also, this is actually my Halloween costume from Saturday! Isn't it just super fun and pretty?! I wish I could dress like this everyday haha. But freezing cold Ohio will make sure I bring out my giant parka in a few weeks :/.

Hugs <3


Cozy Sweater

Heyy! So here is an outfit post for you! I am loving how today is sunny and warm out! Perfect picture taking weather :). I love taking pictures in the sunlight a lot of the time because the images just turn out much more vibrant. Although that could probably be fixed if I got a better lens, but what college student can afford that? Haha. While we're talking about vibrant colors, the trees have been extra beautiful this week!. I', sorry there aren't very many large trees with bright red leaves by my dorm, but I figured these two would make a decent background haha. I am currently sitting in my room, munching on some apple slices before organic chemistry lab. If anything will ruin my future job prospects, it will be organic chemistry. I just don't seem to be able to grasp any form of chemistry very well... Are any of you who are good at chemistry give me some tips? For now I guess  I will struggle along...

Sweater from Aerie (old), jeans from Abercrombie and Fitch, shoes from Windsor, and sunglasses from RayBan.

Hugs <3


Bedroom Interior Inspiration

Hello! I just took some amazingly beautiful pictures of my Halloween costume from Saturday because I thought you really needed to see it haha! But I haven't edited them at all, so those will be coming out Wednesday. Stay tuned :). For today's post, I thought to give you some bedroom inspiration because I am currently in the process of redesigning my bedroom at home!! My mom recently bought a house, so now I will get to completely redo my room. Ahh I'm so excited!! I have been wanting to redo my room for a few years now, and finally I will be able to! These are some of the pictures from my Pinterest board for my new bedroom. I love love love white bedding with some gray or light brown details. I think it's so clean and simple, yet cozy (especially when a fuzzy blanket is added!). I can't wait to actually begin shopping for some of the things because right now it feels almost surreal haha. I'm one of those people who are always like it's not real until it's happening. I never get nervous for something, like a roller coaster or when I used to play sports or perform in musicals, until about five seconds before it was actually happening haha.  So right now I'm still in the waiting phase.

I am completely obsessed with this room. It's Kristen Sundberg's bedroom, and you should totally check her blog http://bykiki.damernasvarld.se for some awesome interior and fashion inspiration. And I definitely want that Prada poster/painting above the bed (I'm only sort of obsessed ;) haha)!!

I also really want a map of the world so I can put pins in all the places that I've been to. It won't be very many, but we all have to start somewhere :).

And here is a throw pillow that I really like :)

Hugs <3


Pumpkin Carving

Hello! I know this isn't my usual Sunday outfit post, but I'm still in a Halloween and fall things mood at the moment haha. And I would say that pumpkin carving fits into that mood perfectly. So I figured I would post pictures of the pumpkin I carved yesterday with my boyfriend. I haven't carved a pumpkin in a few years, and this year I just really wanted to haha. The inner child in me was coming out :). So this was the result! I think it turned out super cute and funny haha. I love the googley eyes! I didn't want to make a scary pumpkin, so this was the alternative haha. I decided to name him bob because he reminds of Bob the tomato from Veggie Tales if any of you know what that is haha. My grandma used to have my sister and I watch it all the time! Haha I love childhood memories.

Last night I went out dressed up as a hippie for Halloween. I completely forgot to take pictures of my outfit! I was so annoyed because I thought it was pretty cute if I do say so myself haha. Although, it was exactly the same as this outfit I previously posted except for a few modifications. I didn't wear the sunglasses, switched out the heels for sandals, and added a cute flower crown. It was definitely a very fun weekend. I hope yours was as fun too!

Hugs <3


Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Good morning readers! This morning I'm taking the time to write a decent post about last night because my blogging has just been terrible this week! Ugh I feel so bad! But here you can see my costume from last night. I was Doc from the Seven Dwarfs with some of my friends :). Although to be honest the only reason I wanted to be Doc was so I could wear my glasses out haha. Being the ultimate lazy girl. I think the costumes turned out super cute! Especially with Snow White! In the picture you'll see that there are actually only six dwarfs because we couldn't find a seventh. Our excuse was that Sleepy couldn't hang and fell asleep haha. But last night was so much fun with my friends! We had soo many laughs at all the funny things that happened during the night haha. One to remember for sure :)

Yes that is a medical terminology book in my hands haha.

Hugs <3