Hello readers!! Today I have gotten so many pretty pictures done for some posts later this month! The lighting is beautiful, the snow is beautiful, and I'm beautiful (haha totally kidding on that guys I'm no narcissist). And the weather is just around 32 degrees F making it warmer than it has been so I don't freeze my buns (or fingers) off while I'm photographing. Basically, it's been awesome. I'm taking a little break to edit some photos and warm up. Then I'll see if I can pull out another outfit and take some more photos. And the neighbors probably think I'm totally crazy for standing in my front yard taking pictures all day. I know my dog thinks I'm crazy, and he's supposed to love me no matter what haha. Last night I visited a friend and had some of the best ice-cream ever! Oh my gosh guys it was so creamy and yummy. I can't wait to go back! If any of you have ever heard of Sweet Moses in Lakewood, let me know what you think of it. If you haven't and you live near Cleveland or are visiting Cleveland, I totally recommend you try it! After we watched the first Captain America movie because, well, I'm a nerd and love that stuff haha. And I enjoyed the movie very much, but everyone says the second one is better so I cannot wait to see that one!

Here is the new shirt I got! I think it's so lovely! It's different but not too different ya know? And the pants are my favorite high waisted black denim.
Goofy Jess having a fun time with the camera haha. Have a lovely day! P. S. Check out my Instagram for a sneak peak of tomorrow's post ;) jessica_simon10
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