Hey! Today was a pretty good day off from classes. I finished my sociology homework, got a good workout in, and took these pictures. After this I'll start on my research paper for microbiology. I was hoping to be able to start it earlier, but my sociology work took me four hours to complete :/. But it's still early enough so I think I should be able to get it done. It was a really beautiful day outside, and I was kind of upset I missed it because of homework. The sun was shining, and it wasn't too cold out. That's one of the things that sucks about having a harder major that requires more time commitment to studies. Sometimes you have to miss out on some things like enjoying a beautiful day or hanging out with friends. But one of my family friends who is a doctor said that being a pre-med science major is a lot of work in your twenties, but it pays off after. I'm still waiting for that pay off haha but I'm sure it'll worth it then :).

I cannot wait to go shopping when I'm home for break! I'm running out of outfits to show you :'(. Blogger problems haha.
Hugs <3
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