
Gloomy Days and Messy Hair

Hello! I meant to post this earlier today, but I was having issues getting my laptop to connect to the internet all day. It happens sometimes here. The wifi was never meant to hold as many devices as it now is with my sister an I home. So it's a struggle sometimes haha. Today was a pretty lazy day. It was snowing and freezing, and an all round gloomy day. I actually love this kind of weather when I can stay warm inside. It makes for a super cozy day! I love wearing comfy clothes and snuggling up with a super soft blanket. We had a warm fire going almost all day. The dogs were sleeping around the living room all day, and they were just so cute. I only ventured outside the house to go to Pat Catan's to get some supplies for crafting. It was a nice rest day :). There is something about Sundays being a day for comfy clothes and taking some time for yourself. And I accomplished both of those today. I painted a canvas for my future sorority 'Little'. I'm really happy with it! I'll show you a picture tomorrow because the only one I had wasn't very good quality. I cannot wait until Big/Little Reveal in a little over a month so I can give it to her!

Hugs <3

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